As I age, sometimes two days at a time, I have noticed the things I thought really mattered, really don’t matter so much. In contrast the things that do matter seem to be the things we just can’t make time for. Priorities – How we think we are always in balance, when we most likely aren’t.
To get a good perspective on this, ask friends, co-workers, and ask your family. Given the open door, they will speak volumes of wisdom.
Someone said that at the end of your life, your least regret would be that you might have spent just one more day at the office.
In the last few years, I have had several very close family members pass on. I have family that has aged to the point of requiring our family’s time to help care for them. Do not misunderstand; I am happy to pay back the love bestowed upon me by them. But is seems when service is needed, it always comes at an inconvenient moment.
In April, our Dispatch Engineer, Steven Ready, lost his Father, Robert. To say Steven is an important person in the operations of CSi Networks would be a vast understatement. He has not been here, many days taking care of his family and all the friends and Veterans who have come to pay respect. Yet, somehow we got by.
But, that’s not my point.
I saw our company, of whom I am very proud, pull together to cover for the missing brother in our family. On top of that, staff, who love Steven & his Mother Diana as their own family, came together to support them during this difficult time.
The CSi team created a website, including videos created by Clay McFarland & Vasilios Chatzistamatis. Clay now works for The Payne Law Group, but had worked here with Steven for over a year. CSi Networks closed its doors Friday for Robert’s Military Funeral, and all our staff attended at the Veterans Cemetery here in Sarasota.
I must assume there are those reading that would say ‘this is what is you should do’ and you are right.
I am simply encouraging you for when your time comes, take care of your family. It is always worth it.